Cartoonized image with white appearing person wearing a blue hoodie with white strings, tattoo on their neck, a brown beard, blue glasses, white ear pods, and a small tuft of light brown hair on the top of their head.


Hi, I'm Michael and welcome to my inclusive and compassionate space, where I believe in a world where all humans are entitled to the fundamental essentials of life. I am multiply neurodivergent, so new updates may be sporadic.In this space, I champion the idea that every person, regardless of their background, deserves access to basic needs. I am committed to ensuring that every individual is provided with housing, clean water, nourishing food, and access to healthcare.I support the mission to create a society that values equity, justice, and inclusivity, where discrimination is actively dismantled, and where everyone can live a life of dignity and respect.Thank you for joining me in this journey towards a more equitable and compassionate world. Your voice and actions are vital in building the better future I envision, and I look forward to your contributions in shaping our shared values.